Do you have an exam coming up that you are losing sleep over? Or is your class impossibly difficult for you and you need support? If this sounds like you, I'd like to offer my services. (read more)
...This comes from a wealth of knowledge in my chosen subjects, as I received 5 in AP Euro, APUSH, AP Lit, and AP Lang. I also received a 4 in AP Chem, AP U.S. Gov, AP Stats. (read more)
...We worked at her pace, meeting remotely and in-person, sometimes multiple times a week with each session lasting at least an hour. By the end of our time together, she passed with a 103% and 100% on her last two college exams and ended with an A in her Calculus II class! It was such a rewarding way to end her math classes in college. (read more)
...I regularly develop GUIs, web applications and do back end programming. This experience is most useful in my tutoring as I am able to provide many “real-world” examples. I have a Masters in Mathematics. (read more)