Hi, my name is Sam Kaiser. I attend the University of Michigan in a Sustainability and Development graduate program. I work with the National Park Conservation Association developing NPS management plans to support community resiliency in the face of climate change. (read more)
...Thanks.I have a B.A. in Spanish (linguistics emphasis) from the University of Washington, Seattle. For over 20 years I have been a professional Spanish translator and interpreter (and for 30 years, a professional tutor). In 2008, I passed the American Translators Association exam (12% pas rate) ... (read more)
...I hold a PhD in Evolution, Ecology, and Population Biology. I’ve been conducting research in the field for over 15 years, and I enjoy helping students understand ecological concepts from the most fundamental to advanced. As a research scientist in genomics, an understanding of genetics (classical, molecular, and population) is absolutely essential. (read more)