Numbers, improved ability to confidently work with numbers. Fractions & Decimals
Problem Solving - select the appropriate operation and strategy to solve word problems. Time and Money
Area, Perimeter, Volume
Ratio, Proportion, Percent
Graphing I am very good at tutoring SAT math test preparation. (read more)
...Many students start with the infamous questions, "Why do I have to learn this?" or "When will I need this in 'real' life?" I love seeing the look on students' faces when they understand algebra and can then learn how to apply it to *their* own lives, whether it be sports, music or just about any hobby. For many students, Algebra II can seem like a boring sequel to a bad movie. YIKES! (read more)
...I currently hold a valid provisional certificate to teach Chemistry, Biology, and General Science 7-12 in the state of Arizona and a lifetime certificate to teach Science 7-9, Biology 7-12 and Chemistry 7-12 in the state of MissouriThe degree requirements for a Master of Arts in biology, require ... (read more)