...I feel I really excelled in math during high school and even got a 770/800 on my math portion of my SAT. I am really personable and love helping people. Please reach out to me with any questions and I will try to answer as soon as possible!I’ve tutored in almost all maths all throughout high school and have continued in college as well. (read more)
...I have a BS in forensic chemistry and a minor in criminal justice and chemistry. I enjoy academics, helping my peers succeed, and seeing students' success firsthand. I tutor high school students and undergraduates in various STEM courses, including chemistry, forensic sciences, algebra I/II/prealgebra, and biology. (read more)
...Since then, I have tutored as a volunteer for my community college in-person in one-on-one and group sessions, taught students online through several companies, and networked to connect with students both online and in-person. My tutoring experience is primarily high school and college level mat... (read more)
...I have helped my fellow peers in their undergraduate Russian classes. I got on my high school varsity tennis team as a freshman. I have since continued playing tennis with friends as it's a great lifelong sport. (read more)