...I have tutored numeric clients in computer science for the last 4 years. I have a bachelor degree from Cal Poly as a Computer science major. I have worked as a frontend developer for last 4 years in both startups and fortune 500 companies. (read more)
...PHP is a very flexible language, as pages with the .php suffix allow direct insertion of javascript, CSS, and HTML tags, integrated together with the PHP, and powerful tools for fetching database information. LAMP Stack where PHP lives and of which I'm most familiar (includes Linux, Apache, MySQ... (read more)
...Later on, I attended MIT where I graduated with a major in Computer Science and minor in Mathematics. I have tutored all levels of high school math, from geometry and algebra to precalculus and calculus. During my studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I took Math for Computer Science (Course Number: 6.042) which is the equivalent of discrete math. (read more)
...I have created various front end projects using HTML and PHP. I can help you play around with basics. I can help you improve your score. (read more)