...I get great satisfaction knowing I help students overcome obstacles and reach their goals. Please contact me with any questions you may have! I look forward to working with you to reach your GPA, test score goals or pass your certification exam. (read more)
...I have an undergraduate degree from Seton Hall University where I double majored in Finance and Accounting. In addition I earned my MBA in Finance from Fairleigh Dickinson University. I was also a Corporate Accountant from 2000-2008 where I enhanced the accounting skills I learned in college, specifically Managerial Accounting. (read more)
...And I hold a BS and MS degree in Accounting. I have taught the following subjects at the High School, College and Graduate Level: Business Ethics, Business Systems, Business Economics, Corporate Finance, Business and Organisational Strategy, and Business Statistics. I am a CPA Aaand I experienc... (read more)
...And who better to help you ace the ACT Reading section than an Oxford-educated, professional writer? In this course, students will learn to answer questions based on reading passages. To help them do this, we will practice locating key points and ideas in a wide range of adult reading-level passages, from news magazines, social- and hard-science journals and literary works. (read more)