...I have experience tutoring in math and in exam preparation. Exams must be entered with confidence, and I am able to promote that confidence in my students through teaching them tips and tricks and helping them deal with all the different types of problems. I have been working with Quickbooks for twenty years. (read more)
...I tutor more math than anything else. Many students seek help with Algebra and Geometry, and I find that most students are bright and capable but find themselves in classes so large that they can't ask questions, or with teachers who don't communicate in the way the students wish for. I have tu... (read more)
...From middle school through graduate school, I consistently excelled in math. The mathematical foundations I built throughout my academic career have laid the groundwork for my current job as a mechanical engineer. Over the past few years, I have tutored a diverse range of students with varying levels of proficiency, adapting my teaching methods to meet their individual needs. (read more)
...I met my students there and taught them Precalculus. We had a session every Wednesday. Usually, I made lesson plans ahead of time (like two days before) and stayed in Zoom 20 minutes early. (read more)
...My favorite part of tutoring is seeing how excited my students get when they realize they understand new concepts and complete problems on their own. I want to ensure that my students succeed in their classes and. I am open to resources or materials you or your student believe will improve the tutoring experience. (read more)