...I have enjoyed tutoring very much, and so wish to offer my services more widely. I received a 790 on the math SAT and an 800 on the GRE (both before "re-norming"). I have since tutored high school and college students in many aspects of math, including most recently statistics. I studied Latin in college, and have maintained my proficiency, reading in the language every day. (read more)
...Please do not purchase practice books until we talk. Note: If there is school work online to view, then let me know since it is then best we meet on zoom since I can annotate right on the shared screen. I will then send you a zoom link in messages. (read more)
I received a Masters Degree in Secondary Mathematics Education from Shippensburg University in 1972. Since then I have taught Junior High School Mathematics (Middle School); GED Mathematics; and College Mathematics (Basic Math through Applied Calculus). During my tenure at Shepherd University I rec... (read more)
...I also worked with many other children in a local church group. A highlight of my career was when I was awarded the Friends of Catholic Education Teacher of the Year. This award was received with great honor and I was very pleased to know that my colleagues and administrators selected me for this title. (read more)