I am a current NY public school math teacher with over 20 years teaching experience. I have am certified to teach 7-12 math. Subjects I am well versed in are: Geometry, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Trigonometry, etc. (read more)
...I originally went to college to be an elementary education teacher but quickly learned that I really loved teaching math and pursued a NYS math certification. I taught middle school for 9 years and have been teaching high school for the past 4 years. I have also been a NYS Master Teacher for the past few years. (read more)
...While I have always wanted to be an educator since I was a merit badge counselor at my Boy Scout camp. I decided in my last semester to change course a little and focus solely on my degree in Chemistry. Other than education my passions include hot sauce and combatting the effects of the war on drugs in my community through education. (read more)
...I do view myself as a teacher to be an outsider, no one in my family is a teacher, I did not grow up thinking I would be one. I believe it is part of this reason as to how I am able to connect and teach math to students who may not be interested in it at all, but need to succeed to move forward.... (read more)