...He works as a director in the animation industry and has credits to various TV series such as Horrid the Horrible, Sonic the Hedgehog Animated television series and Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Wishing to share knowledge of a well rounded animator, we will focus on industry specific techniques tha... (read more)
...I took the Praxis in English and ultimately scored higher in the English subject area! Entrenched in teaching, I continue to look for exciting ways to bring texts and thought alive to my student audience. I have been tutoring students that cannot attend school for varieties of reasons. (read more)
...I ran the teaching aspects of a youth golf camp for 3 summers. The camp was mostly beginner golfers and some intermediate golfers. I taught the techniques of the golf swing, chipping and putting technique, and also rules. (read more)
10 Subjects: includingReading,Biology,Anatomy,Elementary Math
...These teaching experiences have been very rewarding as I share my educational and work experience with students, giving them the confidence they need to find rewarding and profitable work and succeed with their own careers. Holding a Bachelor of Fine Art Degree from Rosemont College, I have cont... (read more)
...My philosophy is to connect with students at their level to make them understand concepts and ideas. I believe it is paramount to make text to text, text to world, and text to self connections. Literature is one of my strengths. (read more)