...I was interested in computer science when I was in high school, and my passion started to grow. After high school, I was accepted to a university and worked as an official/freelanced software engineer for five years in my country. Moving to the United States in 2010, I worked in various positions in academic education. (read more)
...I was a former Teaching Assistant for the class Systems Programming, an introductory class to C/C++ (CSE 333) at the University of Washington. I held lectures once a week reviewing C/C++ concepts, graded assignments in C/C++, and held office hours where I helped students debug large programming ... (read more)
...I am a Software Engineer with a degree in Computer Science and minor in Mathematics from the University of Arizona. My passion for programming began at a very early age, while I was in middle school. I was inspired by the challenge and endless possibilities that this fascinating field provided. (read more)
...In the past, I have helped students build their own web and mobile applications in the domain of health, music, commerce, etc. For web dev, I love to work with languages such as JavaScript/TypeScript and Python, frontend frameworks such as React and Angular, backend frameworks such as NodeJS, Fl... (read more)
...As far as teaching I was a TA for a class in college where we taught Ruby (among other languages) and was responsible for both office hours and grading of assignments. I also taught the Ruby curriculum at Ada Developers Academy (prior to our switch to Python) which had a focus on Object Oriented... (read more)