...I have had many students go on to complete post-secondary programs in chemistry, pharmacy, and medical school. I strive to help students develop a deeper understanding of the content so they can master conceptual and mathematical applications of chemistry content. I have taught physical science for 21 years in addition to teaching chemistry and physics. (read more)
...Beyond tutoring, I have hands-on experience in law firms and business settings, gaining skills in legal research, social media management, customer engagement, financial administration, and data organization. My approach is future-oriented—I don’t just focus on solving the immediate problem; I a... (read more)
...My number one goal is to improve self-esteem and build confidence. Once a learner begins to feel better and see themself in a better light, their mind can shift and allow the learning process to begin. With that being said, my strongest areas of tutoring are English, Spelling, Phonics, Reading, basically anything ELA-based. (read more)
8 Subjects: includingReading,English,Grammar,Elementary Math
...I worked in a biochemistry lab and could help make it applicable to your everyday life. I trained a handful of lab techs (undergrads) who in turn would bring homework questions from genetics, biology, animal science type, biochemistry, and chemistry classes. I also have spent time with my niece and nephews working on 5-9th grade science study guides. (read more)
...I have a great passion to help our children, because they are our future leaders. As a Disabled Veteran, I am dedicating my life's work to help our children anyway I can. I hold myself to a very high standard it is for this reason I often ask for feedback. when I receive the feedback I go beyond the standards. (read more)
6 Subjects: includingPublic Speaking,Drawing,American History,Martial Arts