...In elementary school our children face the sometimes daunting task of mastering many subjects, including reading and math, simultaneously in a diverse classroom. Each child brings a unique mix of gifts, gaps, and experience to the task. The methodologies used in schools differs just as widely as does the approaches of the individual teachers who may or may not view math as their strength. (read more)
...I earned an A+ in Microeconomics in college, and I also have tutored several students in economics as well. I earned an A+ in Microeconomics in college, and I also have tutored several students in economics as well. I have a B.S. in Chemistry, an M.S. in Medicinal Chemistry, and a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry. (read more)
...Finally, we did looping and condition statements. I worked in the software industry for a number of years. I have used Outlook for management of mail and tasks for over 10 years. (read more)
...Feedback is important for student understanding and learning. Learning Express uses AP Biology practice tests (AP released questions). The student gets to practice AP released questions and get outstanding feedback on each question and answer. I have a BS in mathematics and physics, an MS in a... (read more)
...While in engineering I realized that my favorite work environments have centered around teaching and training. Eventually, I decided to shift my career to allow me to focus on the education side of things. Since then, I have spent four years in total working with a tutoring center in Jupiter, FL. (read more)