...I have always loved the subject of math, and I've had my fair share of exceptional math teachers, as well as my fair share of not-so-exceptional math teachers; as a result, I've found myself driven to help provide a quality math education for students of all ages in a manner that is progression-b... (read more)
...Feedback from students and their parents is invaluable in helping me improve as an educator. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to schedule a lesson. I’d be happy to assist! (read more)
...I was always eager to learn the reasoning behind various concepts taught in class. I realized then that learning a variety of tools and techniques would be very helpful in understanding complex matters. Adding our new learnings to our "toolbox" helps us learn other, more complicated things. (read more)
...A lot of youth contest math is based on Combinatorics (the fancy word for Finite/Discrete Math), so as a young mathlete I got a lot of experience with the field. I got to work with legendary Combinatoricist Laszlo Babai while at University of Chicago for undergrad, not just taking a class but al... (read more)
...It's my pleasure to work as a tutor and help students.I have BS degree in Math and have tutored Calculus for over 20 years. PhD in Statistics. Tutored 20+ years. (read more)