...A High School teacher once mentioned to a group of us that the two most important subjects in school are: reading and speach. With mastery of the former many things can be learned. Without it very few can. (read more)
...Writing concisely and effectively is important, as technical knowledge needs to be distilled into a comprehensible summary for decision makers. My work requires proactive responses to stress similar to those of SAT or ACT preparation, and I understand how to achieve success under pressure. I en... (read more)
...I am also a parent of a child with multiple learning challenges. Homeschooling him led me to further my own education on dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and the best methods to help people remember what they have learned. I have taught all levels of elementary math in the classroom. (read more)
...I welcome the opportunity to be a part of helping others to achieve their goals. Thank you.I worked for 3 years coordinating a church nursery, including supervising nursery employees and designing and implementing Christian education curriculum for preschoolers and kindergarteners. Following that, I worked for 9 years as a church youth group leader for middle school and high school youth. (read more)
...I still have family in Germany and keep my students motivated! I create positive connections with my clients, which is essential to having a safe enough environment to take risks as a reader. I love teaching skills to build confidence in reading in children as well as adults. (read more)