...In high school and college, I worked in school-based math/science tutoring centers, and since I graduated, I have been teaching high school physics at the honors and AP levels, while also modifying my lessons for students with visual impairments and/or learning disabilities. I'm excited to help ... (read more)
...I do believe that my several years of substitute school teaching experience would make me a valuable asset in the lives of students in need of tutoring assistance. I have always had an interest in tutoring along with substitute school teaching, but I have never had the opportunity to pursue individual tutoring. I am very flexible on hours that I would be available to tutor. (read more)
I am working in the area until the next fall semester at Southern Illinois University where I plan to complete my business degree. After completion, I will be moving on to law school (undecided). Logic, math and general problem-solving are passions of mine and I have developed simple ways of expres... (read more)
...I always strive to show respect and empathy towards my students. I know what it is like to struggle to learn math and it didn't come easily to me; so I am able to empathize with the student who is struggling. I always try to meet the student where he/she is currently and then help them grow in mathematical knowledge! (read more)