...I qualified for three All State Band festivals, played in my top school band, achieved multiple solo honors, and currently take private lessons at a college level. I was also section leader for two years and taught other students. I competed in Lincoln Douglas Debate throughout high school, ach... (read more)
...I am a college professor and my favorite part of the job is working 1 to 1 with my students! Before I started teaching, I was a swimming coach for several years. This is relevant because I bring my positive coaching spirit into our sessions. (read more)
...I have experience tutoring middle school and early high school math. I have taken many biology courses, including animal physiology, and have tutored neuroscience and chemistry. I am a visual learner/teacher. (read more)
...I have been working for the ESL program at UMass Amherst for three years, where I teach American Culture and English Language courses to graduate students and international professors to help them improve their English usage. I now tutor ESL privately online, using my specialized linguistics bac... (read more)
27 Subjects: includingVocabulary,Grammar,Microsoft Excel,European History
...I have studied photography including dark room, digital, and alternative processes. During my undergraduate studies I was the teaching assistant for the photography department where I tutored students in Photoshop, digital, darkroom, and alternative processes. I have worked as an album designer, photo assistant, photo editor, and shooter. (read more)