...I now work as a senior research fellow at CERN. I have 10+ years experience teaching math and physics courses at the upper high school and college level, including topics such as calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical physics, astrophysics, and... (read more)
...Focus on the trends.
2) History essays don't need to be fancy, like writing assignments in English class. Answer the question, tell the reader which facts support your opinion, and explain how the facts support your opinion. No fancy language needed! (read more)
...I am a Ph.D. chemist who has taught at the university and high school level. It is my experience that problems with study skill generally result from lack of routine, failure to write down assignments, and failure to take the assignment seriously. I stress that students should keep a notebook, ... (read more)
...Currently I am pursuing my Masters in Applied Math from University of Washington. I love math and writing. The secretary to the Solano College president once took a class from me and she said to me, "If a student can't learn from me, he or she can't learn." I am well-regarded and loved as a teacher on my campuses. (read more)