...If you need essays edited but don't want to meet, message me and I will schedule a lesson, during which I will spend that time giving you feedback. Each essay will be considered 1/4 of a hour, that is, sending me 4 essays to edit would equal the cost of one normal tutoring session.
3. I also l... (read more)
...I assisted many different students, but I am especially proud of working closely and continuously with a student who was considering dropping the course at first, and by the end of the semester I had helped her raised her D grade to a high B. I consider myself very passionate about working with ... (read more)
...I studied Latin in my middle and high school education. I received awards yearly on the National Latin Exam and reached advanced-level coursework in the subject. I translated books of the Aeneid, the Catilinarian Conspiracy orations, and various poems by Catullus, Ovid, and others as part of my upper-level Latin studies. (read more)
...As a writing coach, I help writers tailor the impact of their writing on others. My skill is extensive, ranging from vocabulary acquisition to research papers. Unlike many tutors, I have a remarkable ability to notice grammar and style patterns in someone’s writing on a first pass and can demonstrate better alternatives, leading to more resonant, sophisticated writing. (read more)
...I also hold a Master of Forestry degree from Yale University.Writing and grammar have been my strongest points as a student and young professional. I received high grades in all my college and graduate classes that involved excellent writing skills, such as rhetoric, film theory, philosophy, env... (read more)