...My expertise is in teaching problem solving skills to successfully raise SAT scores and perform better on standardized tests and specialized entrance exams. I am also able to tutor for trade school entrance exams. I recently tutored a student who passed the IBEW entrance exam on his first attempt after being out of school for over a decade. (read more)
...As a former pharmacy technician and current medical student, I've had extensive experience in the field of pharmacology. I received my pharmacy technician license in 2014 and have been qualified since. I'm currently a 3rd year medical student who has been tutoring at the undergrad and grad level of Stats and Epidemiology for 7 years. (read more)
...Statistics is all about understanding the logical perspectives which is important to this course. I have tutored students in the truth tables, probability, sets, and many other forms of logic at my local community college. Some devices I use help the students prepare for there exams. (read more)
...I have taken 2 years of Chemistry in high school — I took Honors Chemistry in 11th grade and ended with a 98% final average. I took AP Chemistry in 12th grade and ended with a 98% final average. I also got a 5 on the AP Chemistry exam. (read more)
...I have 2 Master's degrees in Biology. The first from CUNY and the second from Fordham University. Please look at my profile for more details. (read more)