...Our program consisted of a "Math Lab" where beginning college students taking these classes could come in and work on their homework with free resources, including on-duty math tutors. As one of these tutors it was my responsibility to assist students with questions and to periodically check in ... (read more)
...In addition I tutored high school Math, Physics, ACT and SAT prep while a grad student and always enjoyed watching students' excitement when they grasped a topic -- learning isn't always easy, but it is always rewarding! Having professional experience has made me a better tutor of theoretical ma... (read more)
...Because each AP test covers significant amounts of material, I generally only accept AP students currently or previously enrolled in the corresponding AP course. I recently have prepared students for the Physics, Chemistry, and U.S. Government exams. (read more)
...My approach focuses on building a deep understanding of the material, rather than relying on rote memorization. I equip students with problem-solving frameworks that can be applied across subjects. I specialize in identifying the underlying causes of low performance and addressing them while reinforcing current material. (read more)
...I have a degree in Neuroscience and have been teaching Biology for two years. I also tutored students all four years of college in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, and Statistics, bringing many of my students success in their classes. I focus on content as well as strategies for studying and success in your content. (read more)