...My regular full time job entails periodic non-fiction writing, which I thoroughly enjoy and for which I have been roundly complimented. Overall ability to assist high school age students in preparation for the PSAT/SAT exams. Many of the rules and customs of proper English use and application can be tricky, with very small differences between correct and incorrect usage. (read more)
...When I took the ACT I received a 34 on the math section. When studying for the ACT not only did I learn how to do every single commonly seen math problem on the ACT but also the tips and tricks needed to quickly improve your ACT math score and speed. I received a 36 on both my ACT English and Reading section. (read more)
...I first used UNIX in the late 1970s. Linux is very closely related to UNIX. I have used Linux on Mac and on Windows (via CygWin) for several years now to automate and simplify tasks in the shell. (read more)