...I then earned my MA and PhD in Linguistic Anthropology from SUNY Albany. Outside of work, I love reading, acting, gaming, and I do a lot of mutual aid work. I spent 4 years as a teaching assistant for Introduction to Linguistics; and 13 years teaching reading skills to students of all ages, fro... (read more)
...Whereas algebra quantifies structure and geometry quantifies space. Calculus is the place where algebra, geometry, and the overarching concepts and ideas of change, come together as a narrative. Calculus is the entrance to modern mathematics. (read more)
...I have tutored people in Pre Calculus multiple times. I use Trigonometry occasionally for modelling in my graduate level Math research and more often when creating content for extra-curricular Math enrichment. As the Quantitative Tutor at our University's Student Support Services, Trigonometry was one of the topics I helped students with. (read more)
...Each day I taught three classes of Algebra I College Prep and two classes of Algebra II Honors. I have been introduced to a wide variety of learners and often tailor my lessons to meet the skills and abilities of the classroom. I have had students who moved up to the Honors level find great suc... (read more)
...I teach Algebra I and II nearly constantly and have had excellent results from students who thought they were bad at math who ended up getting A's, much to their parents' amazement. I scored a 5 on the Calculus BC Advanced Placement exam and have significant experience tutoring this subject. This is a subject I am teaching nearly constantly. (read more)