...Math takes practice like a sport or instrument, don’t think you can cram or skate by! You want to learn this material and pass with confidence! You can do it! (read more)
...I can explain complicated math concepts simply, clearly, and effectively; and I am very patient and never pressure my students. I think you'd enjoy working with me. I still have the accent (Russian), but most of my students have claimed that this was not a problem for them. (read more)
...I believe that anybody who puts in the effort can succeed in math. I have worked as a senior software engineer for over 20 years - utilizing C# and Java as my primary programming languages. I have developed software for medical devices, military systems, network management systems, and enterprise infrastructure for the insurance industry. (read more)
...Oakland, CA
Andreas is a fabulous tutor. He has assisted our 8th grade child in knowledge, understanding the concepts, and our child's grade has risen to an "A" from "C". He is a very patient and effective tutor, and builds confidence in his student. (read more)
...I have been a private tutor for kindergarten and elementary school students. I am comfortable teaching mathematics to younger students so they can understand and develop a solid foundation to succeed as they continue their mathematics education. I received an A in my discrete mathematics course. (read more)